GoPro® HD Helmet HERO™

Sunday, April 8, 2012

MAddOG Answers ....Why HEARTS for HELMETS ?

      The question was posed to me recently ... "Why HEARTS for HELMETS ? How did you get involved? " .        ......Truth is ... I'm not sure ...
      When PWD OFF ROAD liked the MAddOG Facebook page, I was curious, I went to their page and then their website ( and read, yes every page , every write up. Their mission touched me and shortly thereafter I contacted their President, Darin, online. I think the first coversation went kinda like " Tell me more... fill me in".
      Darin and I became friends fast, and I was touched by his story, conviction and dedication to his cause. I can remember talking to my Dad and friends about my new friend and the incredible things he is doing through People With Disabilities OFF ROAD. The more Darin and I talked the more impressed with the PWD mission I became.
      I know .. by now you are going where is the "A-HA" moment. Well here it comes ... not sure what day it was, and not uncommon for me to wake up at 2am, This time though it was not insomnia, it was my heart screaming WAKE UP ! you need to help this group achieve their mission. OK I answered, HOW ?
      My mind skittered around, help PWD, have to hit the gym early today, hope the special order parts come in today, help PWD, the sheer logistics of making a riding trip, getting ATV's ready, tools, packing the correct gear ... wait ... what ? .... Gear ?
       How do you handle taking extra people on a ride ? Especially those who don't normally get on the trails ?  How do you outfit them safely ? Where do the helmets come from ?
                   A-HA !!!
      And there it was, I knew (being a huge safety advocate) that I could raise money for loaner helmets, I would use contacts I have been fortunate enough to made in the industry, to chip in and help out.
       I called Darin, and after kinda beating around the bush for more information , I asked  the question, "Is there a need for helmets?" , a simple but kind-of suspicious "yes" was the answer. "Well bud, I have an idea, I can't tell you yet , and need to talk to a couple people, but I will fill you in as soon as I can". "UM OK...." was His response.
      ~ Keep in mind, I am not a philanthropist , I am not a professional fundraiser, I don't get involved in causes "just to be involved". If anything I have been accused of not being involved in causes and being obnoxiously opposed to fundraisers. That being said I do have experience in creating successful businesses using planning strategy my grandfather passed on to me.
                     - rule 1 establish a need
                     - rule 2 put together a plan to assure success
                     - rule 3 set goals
                     - rule4 work hard to achieve goals
                     -rule 5 pray this works so you don't look like an idiot....
      Well rule 1 was satisfied.
      And on to rule 2.  I began to put the wheels in motion, I stopped in my local shop / sponsor and bounced the idea of donating helmets to this group PWD OFF ROAD off him, "that is a very cool idea how can I help?" was the response. "Which company is most likely to help us out in this economy ?"  I said.  " I will make a couple calls and see, I'll call you in a bit". Brandon at The Motoshop (Bend,OR)  made the calls, and the ball was rolling.
      Next step name the program and make it unique. I decided on HEARTS for HELMETS , because I was following the lead of my heart, and asking others to do the same. Promote donations through our website and on our blog and facebook, and, GET INVOLVED personally, by taking it to the streets wherever I go . Be committed to the program and to the cause.
                                       ~ we often take for granted loading up and going out for a ride -- we bitch about how much to do there is and how tough it is to get ready - Imagine doing that, not just for yourself, but for  a group of people that may have never ridden before. Talk about compounding the load.
      Rule 3. After getting an idea of how much the helmets were going to cost, I set what I thought was a good goal, $500.00 should equate to 10 Helmets. Enough to well outfit several new off roaders.
      Rule 4. Brandon (The Motoshop) loaned me a helmet to use, and gave me the idea to use an old pair of goggles and cut a money slot in the lens. Kendal (MAddOG co-founder) got to work helping make flyers and displays, and got the goggle lens ready. We started a MAddOG Media blitz on the blog , website and facebook. I started talking to everyone, I mean everyone, People at the gym, the bank, the grocery store , ect, ect....
      Rule 5. People began to respond, at first it was disappointingly slow and I was worried (not about looking like a fool though). I found myself disappointed because we weren't going to be able to get helmets for the cause. I was getting small amounts here and there, I had to adjust my thinking to "EVERY dollar counts". I kept talking and sharing the PWD mission with people, the HEARTS started to open and the donations began to arrive, from everywhere , back east, Canada, California, Washington and locally.
      We raised $700.00 in 2 months !!! That is 14 new helmets (thanks to the incredible deal from WPS/FLY Racing).
      The day came to place the order, I was overwhelmed to the point of tears from the generosity, and caring people had shown, Brandon asked if I was OK, "Oh yeah buddy I am awsome" was my cracked voice response, "I just can't believe we are doing this, this is so amazing and I am so blessed to feel involved..... Let's DO THIS !". The order for 14 helmets was placed and as we were talking and wrapping things up, Brandon informed me that he was donating the loaner helmet to the program... UH-O hear comes the tears again... "are you serious?", "Yeah Man , that was my plan all along".
      The weekend we were wrapping up the fundraiser was the weekend that Mountianeer Trail Riders was having their fundraiser for PWD OFF ROAD and The Mud Buddies Foundation. MTR put up a donation bucket and flyers that I had mailed them. They were able to raise some more money for the program, but most amazingly to me was a gentleman at their event brought in a NEW FLY Racing kinetic helmet and donated it to the program ! When Darin called and told me the tears started again.
      I have been so fortunate to be involved in this program, and to meet so many fantastic and caring people, and make so very many new friends during the HEARTS for HELMETS Fundraiser. I would like to thank everyone who has donated , helped, supported, and yes talked me "up" when I was down.
Very Sincerely, Lorin "MAddOG" Morrell

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